Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 4 Wednesday

July 4, 2012
Mr. Clown is happy to be here!

Day 4 was another low-key day. I'm still battling hip issues, so we decided to take a drive and have a picnic.  We drove out along Highway 160 toward South Fork.  The weather was up and down, hot for awhile, then we would hit thunderstorms and showers and the temperature would plummet. 20 degree swings all day long. We stopped at the grocery store on our way home to get the fixings for green chili stew. We're going to make a batch tomorrow.  Can't wait!  Love that stuff and we need a green chili fix. 

When we got back to the trailer, the skies decided to open up.  Leaving the groceries in the truck, we ducked around to the front of the trailer to climb in.  We were both thoroughly drenched by the thundershower. We went for the groceries after the deluge
Our picnic took place along Forest Road 725 off of Hwy. 160.  We drove in a short distance and found the most beautiful little creek right along the road. I took dozens of pictures, none did the scene justice.  I would love to go back and try again!

The best picture I took all day happened right up the road from the trailer park on the way home.  We saw this man sitting on a contraption, riding behind 2 horses.  Looks like he is mowing or baling hay- I couldn't tell which.  I liked the reminder that technology isn't always better than the old fashioned way to get something done. See for yourself!

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!  Jim and I had a nice, relaxing day. 

I call this the hard way!


  1. Love the colors in your picture! Looks like scenes we frequently ran into in Ireland! Beautiful. I miss the old isn't always better. Sounds like a nice day minus the getting drenched part. Sorry to hear they canceled your fireworks. Hopeful they are still having some here! :)

  2. Glad you enabled the "follow" link! You'll get more people to see your new posts this way! :)

  3. Love the picture! Hope you start feeling up to hiking soon.

  4. Love that you are blogging. it wil be fun
