Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Days 12 through 16 Durango

July 16, 2012

We got into Durango Thursday afternoon and had a major problem with the space we were assigned.  Our rig is way too big for the space width and length. It took us two hours to get the rig into the space to where we could open all of our slides, but that put our door directly opening out right into a tree. There is no help for it, this is the only way we can fit. Sucks. Jim pitched a fit on Thursday but there was no manager on duty.  We had to wait until yesterday and I was waiting when the office opened at 9:00 to see the manager. Jim had left to go run some errands, so I dealt with it.  I took photos of the door situation with me and showed them to the manager. They had no other spot to put us in, so he gave us an $8.00 per day discount. Jim was still not happy. Also, we really wanted to stay at the park and visit with our friends from Rio Rancho, NM and Topform. So, we stayed.

Friday Jim spent most of the day trying to get his first air compressor to work with the duallys. We went to hardware stores, Home Depot, etc. to find parts. We also went to Wal-mart and did some grocery shopping.
Bought some ribeye steaks and burger meat for dinners while we're here in Durango.

Friday night everyone got together for dinner.  We brought our steaks and cooked them on Rich's grill. When they were done, I went over to our trailer and heated up some wild rice and corn on the cob. We topped the steaks with Mancheco cheese and green chili and boy, they were wonderful.

Our spot at the Durango Riverside RV Resort

Day 16 at 10:30 a.m. and we were on the road to Denver.  We left Durango yesterday so late that we needed to have a stopover somewhere in between.  Otherwise, we would have been getting into the RV park at 8:00 or 9:00 at night.  Not advisable or preferable.  Too hard to park, set up, etc. We spent the night in Buena Vista, CO at a park we will surely not go visit again, Arkansas River Rim RV Park. If you are in the vicinity, avoid that one...no amenities at all, a sand parking lot. Not cheap either - $37.00 for one night.
View along Hwy. 285

Our trip to Durango was fun for the most part.  It was great to see our Topform friends again! Dean and Debbie DiMaggio, their son, Derrick and his girlfriend Kristy,  Shari and Rich Misbach, their son, Brian and his friend, Joe and some new friends they introduced us to, Vince and Angela Valdez and their children, and Chuck and Kelly Evans and their daughter and grandchild. We had a wonderful visit on Friday and Saturday nights with all of them.  The whole group went out to dinner together on Saturday to Steamworks Brewery in Durango.  Food was good. I had the burger and Jim had the fish tacos.  The boys were sampling all the brews and feeling no pain! Jim and I saved our drinking for when we got back to the RV Park....cheaper and we know we're gonna like it!
For Margo

The un-fun part is that we are having issues with the tire monitoring pressure system Jim bought and installed.  He has been having a hell of a time getting it all to function properly. He was still messing with it on Sunday morning and left to go buy parts twice.  Finally adapted the 2nd air compressor to work with all the tire fittings, however, the compressor would not put air in the tires! (found out later that the TPMS fittings were blocking the air flow). Anyway, the park handyman came and offered his larger, shop compressor.  Jim took the truck over there and filled the offending tire and we were on our way.


  1. it looks like OH NO MR.BILL !!

  2. I stayed at a KOA in Carlsbad once... the site came with a a drunk indian passed out on the picnic table. One of the few things KOA doesn't charge extra for. Unlike a tree at least we were able to move the indian out of the way. Jack
